Blog Archive - Mog |
2008 january 5 - from mog | |
The best of 2007 - expanded I figured I should add a few words to my favourites from the past year. And I suddenly remembered two more albums I feel needed mentioning. They are in no particular order (ranked or alphabetical).
Listen She also features - alongside 43 other artists - on the SOPA DELICIOSA compilation. That's it for now! Lars
early video here: Thanks for the comment! Lars |
2007 december 27 - from mog |
Rear view mirror 2007 2007
is running out of days, so traditionally it's time to look
back a bit. This being a 'mog' everything below is about music.
The titles etc. on the lists below are in no particular order.
Thanks for the comment! Lars |
2007 october 9 - from mog |
Getting back to what it's about - music cannot be bought Artist:
Radiohead Articles on the band's decision have also made it to the Danish newspapers, obviously, and so far critics of Radiohead have been quoted for good measure ("fair and balanced"), but a sympathy for the band - and not the business - has been at the core of every piece I've read so far. I guess most people are sick of the business, its ridiculous witchhunts and its clawing to an antiquated business model. No one likes a sore loser. The biz dug its own hole. Anyways, not very nice to kick someone who's already down, so on we go... I was watching a program from those Lonely Planet folks today (a part of the series called "6 Degrees", I believe). The enthusiastic traveller Toby was in Havana. Obviously he had to check out some of the local music. The young stuff, though, not Buena Vista Social Club. So what does this have to do with Radiohead? I don't mean to make this a discussion of capitalism vs. communism. And I don't mean to sound like a hippie or something (but I might). In the program we saw bands playing. For the heck of it, I suppose. And one of the musicians said: Music cannot be bought Music needs to be appreciated Music needs to be done with the heart Music is sacret Yeah, as simple as that. And it sounded natural coming from a person in that environment. But the fact that he needed to state it means he knew about the big machinery that has a negative effect on music. A utopian thought? Well, these guys were doing it. Right there on the film. There was no commercial machine around them dictating anything. How naive that might sound to ears from this part of the world I felt it really hit the nail on the head. If you look at man's total length of musical history then for how long has music been a product, something you paid for? Only a fraction (the most of the 20th century). Sure, musicians through time got money for their services, but bare with me. Radiohead's step - and whoever "smaller" acts who have tried the same before them - has given us a chance to really reflect on music as a whole. In western society we have been used to the fact that everything costs money (even love, some might argue?). Capitalism indoctrination, the left-wing conspiracy theorist might say. Society's evolution, others might say. Whatever it may be we have now been given a wake up call. Let's take this moment, pause, and think about what music really is. Communication, I guess. On a non-verbal emotional level that resonates in all human beings no matter what colour and creed. And now I really start to sound like a hippie, he-he. But what the hell, let's let that well-meaning lil' bugger inside come out and stomp on the cigar of Mr. Money for a little while... and get back to what it's all about. The music. Free of commerce. Free of society's norms which we have for so long accepted as "just they way things are". Okay, I'll tumble a bit more with this thought on my own. It's a nice feeling. There are some interesting perspectives. Got some funny ideas how musicians could work in the future. Man, I gotta go to Havana, he-he.
2007 october 8 - from mog | |
Bite Me! Yeah, it's the band name. Figured I didn't need a clever title to grab someone's attention if they don't know the band already. The band name alone should do the trick. Just a short post here to spread the word on this great band, because they are touring Denmark at the moment. And doing that very well, I suspect. A superb live act which I hope to catch some time at the end of their tour - at one of the Copenhagen area venues. Speaker Bite Me had a bit of a comeback this year after members spending some years with solo projects of different kinds. Denmark's "grand old" indie rock band, so to speak. Came back to prove they're not afraid to try out new things. This time around: catchy pop. Speaker Bite Me-style, that is. The album is called "Action Painting". Years earlier they among others released the album "If Love Is Missing It Must Be Imposed" which was a more guitar-based deal. What can I say? Check 'em both out. Or more. They got a little handful of albums to their name. Their two singers have released albums as Martin Ryum and Jomi Massage. Have a listen to the mp3 "Teach Me Tiger" below. A difficult choice between this track and "Belle De Boskop". So do yourself the favour and go to their MySpace at listen to that one too.
2007 october 2 - from mog | |
So bands have to produce quality music now? Oh no! Radiohead's surely the talk of the town these days for allowing people to pay nothing for downloading their new album "In Rainbows". A gutsy move - and I would say more than a we-did-it-first marketing gimmick. A bold statement, yes. Someone big had to try it out. I hindsight, it being Radiohead seems natural, logical. Throwing a wrench in the corporate engine, giving hardcore capitalism a punch in the nose. Of course, Thom & Co won't go to bed hungry because of this. They have their strong fanbase who will surely pay at least a bit for the mp3s. Or of course the £40 box with everything. Why not? They're likable lads too. In articles published at the moment some argue that the band can only do this because they are that big. Yes, that makes sense. Unknown bands might suffer from this move, these people say. But... what do these newcomers get in the first place when signing to a label? Not much. Are they better off without a label? Might be. We'll see. Radiohead started something new on that level yesterday. Radiohead fansite Ateaseweb quotes The Times: "What this move really relies on though, is the notion that between Radiohead and their fans is a collateral of trust and, dare the term be uttered, decency. Whilst that collateral might not be there between, say Sugababes and their fans, it's the very thing that has propelled Radiohead to this point of unprecedented autonomy." I've been saying for years that if you can't get people to pay for your music (and they download it instead) it's because it doesn't mean anything to them. It doesn't have any value. Be it emotional or artistic. If people just use music as background noise (when vacuuming cleaning?) then they're not listening anyway. Fine with me! Try comparing to other products? Just a thought: Does a Ferrari cost the same as a Toyota? Easy answer. So I'm thinking: Does this mean that musicians will have to make music that matters now? Something that really reaches people on a deeper personal level than just aspiring to be moneymaking background noise? Oh no! If Sugacubes and their kind will be out of a job... you won't find me shedding a single tear. Maybe it'll get them working harder to actually produce something of value? Now that would be a positive effect. With all this colourful, but tasteless confetti out of the way new artists might even have it easier finding an audience. And if their material is a strong enough they will surely capture our hearts if they deserve to do so. If Radiohead's new approach will get those results I am already hoping for a better world, happier ears and healthier minds. Personally
I'm just curious about what this will lead to. I'm an optimist.
In this case I'll pay that extra buck to drive in the Ferrari.
Funny how the the people who are complaining that "consumers" won't take music seriously (as a product) are the ones who watered down music to begin with. I mean, if you shit in your own backyard it's gonna stink in your house sooner or later.
Will this force some semblance of change? I think so. Will it be an industry "reset button?" I doubt it. Great read!
I hope this is successful for them and that it will stand as an example to other mainstream musicians.
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2007 october 1 - from mog | |
The girls like 'em short "I realize the reason I like playing records (as opposed to CDs) is that they're short: they stop after 20 minutes. I want less music." Brian Eno wrote that in his published diary "A Year With Swollen Appendices" in 1995. A quote I have never forgotten. I guess, another writing of the good ol' "quality over quantity" deal. PJ
Harvey's brand new album "White Chalk" is a fine
example of this. First time I put on the LP it was on the
wrong speed. It's on 45 RPM 's. Don't think I've seen that
before with an album. Also, brave of Polly Jean to take on a new instrument, the piano, and the challenge that presented. Hm, two Eno quotes in one post would be overdoing it, but another one seems to fit... "If you've been doing a certain type of work for a while, you're familiar with it, you're quite accomplished at it, it's no longer clumsy. But when you start something new it is very clumsy, and it has all sorts of failures built into it; it's ugly, actually, at the beginning. But I've learned to believe, to trust that that's where interesting things come from -- from something that is somewhat cumbersome and unshapely, but strong." And strong is exactly what "White Chalk" is. Get's me thinking about another great - and short - album by a fantastic female artist. Nina Nastasia's "Run To Ruin". Also clocks in just over the half hour mark. Ethereal stuff, just like PJ's latest.
I don't know how I feel about the "Low" bonus tracks. The "Sound & Vision" remix is horrible, but the other tracks are good. Don't know if they were available anywhere else. Probably not. Then maybe a bonus disc would be the solution? Anyway, on the more recent 24 bit remastered cds the bonus tracks were gone again. Another natural angle on the short vinyl album thing would be the dividing into A and B sides. L |
2007 september 22 - from mog | |
SOPA Night #2 online video & photo feature I just uploaded a major feature on the SOPA site from our latest label night. Some really great blackn'n'white photographs by Steffen "Jint" Jørgensen and a lot of live videoes from all the different performances. Yeah, spoken word, nursery rhymes, old school dirty rock'n'roll, feedback noise with drum machine mayhem and believe it or not... some kind of acid house. It's all along this way... You can see more of Steffen "Jint" Jørgensen's work at Enjoy! |
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2007 september 21 - from mog | |
Scout Niblett: Tour and album That wonderful Scout Niblett is on the move again. The first single "Dinosaur Egg" is already out and the album, "This Fool Can Die Now", is out on October 15th. She starts touring the US in October and then crosses the pond to the UK and the rest of Europe. Already got my ticket for the Copenhagen show (at Loppen in Christiana). Curious about the whole album. The single is great and the new songs at her MySpace suggest a new direction. One foot in her past while taking a bold step onward (and hey, that's gotta be Will Oldham on there too). Her previous album, "Kidnapped By Neptune", was overall a more grunge-like affair. And an absolutely superb effort. Her best since the debut "Sweet Heart Fever". Her new one sounds like it's not going to disappoint. Yummy. She's the one with the poms poms now. Myspace
with four new songs: Snippet
from "Dinosaur Egg": Two
nice videos:
2007 - september 21 - from mog | |
times magic Liz on 7's Nancy
Elizabeth has an album and more than one single out. Haven't
checked it all out yet. The single "Hey Son" deserves
a recommendation, though. A different approach than Liz Green,
but no less mesmerizing. Starting out quiet and then climaxing
in a great multi-layered arrangement. The b-side, "Live
By The Sea" is more stripped down with voice and floating
accordion chords. |
Elizabeth |
2007 - september 20 - from mog | |
the age of the digital - LP is king! A website called Crave has this little article on the subject. Yup, there you go. Vinyl sales are up. I guess it will always be around. The cd on the other hand has been overrun by the iPod and its colleagues. One of my first DJ gigs earlier this year finally convinced me of vinyl's qualities, even though I've been enjoying it for years. I was switching between CDs and LPs when DJ-ing. And the gear wasn't even that brilliant (the turntable, anyway). When playing it was crystal clear. The sound of vinyl had... body. The digital sound... hadn't. Simple as that. Still, I was actually surprised at the big difference. Hadn't expected it. Figured that was something for the fine-tuned ears of really snobby nerds (I can hear them already: "Told you so!"). But no. It was clearly audible. It was physical. Mind you, I still listen to digital. My discman died a few years ago and I then bought an mp3 player (not an iPod. A Roland Edirol R-09. The one I was waiting for). A nice to have gadget when being out and around (tuning out kids on trains and other people with lack of social skills). But at home and when DJ-ing. Vinyl is the thing. No doubt about it. So what's your preference - and why? Lars PS: Thank's to Lenny of Fallen Men for the article link.
For convenience, you can't beat mp3s or other lossy formats... A lot bulky than a turn-table
Can't beat rock, hip-hop and experimental stuff on it either. Especially the latter often only release on vinyl, so it's a given with those. :-) L
a cool illustration of the phenomena: |
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2007 - september 18 - from mog | |
from the ladies: Enna Bella From Hell'A Stine Sørensen and Sara Saxild of Under Byen are currently working on setting up a one-day music festival for female artists in Aarhus, Denmark. Together with Anne Brønsted (singer in Our Broken Garden and The Sad Lovers - the latter along side Sara) and Hanne Tjessem (concert organizer) they will put i it all together using the city's nice, old art cinema Øst For Paradis for the event. The festival - called Enna Bella From Hell'A - happens on Saturday November 17th. So far three acts are confirmed: Taxi Taxi!, Wet Dog and Maria Laurette Friis (of Tys Tys) who will do a special show with theremin player Pamelia Kurstin. The rest of the programme is under wraps for now. But it will probably be a very interesting selection of exciting acts. Yes, four great gals with superb taste in music is putting all this together in one of the nicest places in Aarhus. So, all you need to know is... that you gotta go. If you want to read a bit more before that you can visit: and See you there? Good! Lars |
2007 - september 17 - from mog |
friends like these - Part II: Emir's Revenge My friend Emir is putting on a small one-day festival in Aarhus called 'One Man Army' (only for solo acts) in late October. And he thinks I should come and play. Actually he seems to be counting on it. Just one thing... I haven't got any finished songs or tracks that I can play live! Oh well, it's ONLY a month or so away. [irony alert!] Don't yet know what I should do. Lars
Even if I suck there are other great artists performing. Probably Marzipan Marzipan and Golden Diskó Ship. L |
2007 - september 16 - from mog |
live video from wonderful Berlin On May 3rd KURvE and Marzipan Marzipan played a show at the great venue Schokoladen - alongside local Golden Diskó Ship. The
day after SOPA had its first label night. This was at Ausland
and the program included KURvE, 9, AnimalLovers and Agata
& Me. Marzipan Marzipan joined 9 for a lovely duet, A.K.
Hansn joined KURvE for a drunken duet and I was spinning some
nice records in-between all the live music. I put the videos on YouTube and embedded them on a SOPA page alongside several pictures... I never really seem to tire from seeing balkan punk band KURvE perform live. They ARE friends of mine, but they are such a damn good live act. So crazy, so energetic and well, so melodic in their own strange way. One's feet gotta move somehow. And I'm no dancer. :-) Enjoy! Lars
Ausland's got great music, but not really the same "ambience". :-) L |
2007 - september 15 - from mog |
makes all the difference Artist: Blob Back Fahrenheit ![]() So much music, so little time. I guess I'll write about bits of the recent shows I've attended. Today I spent a lot of the day doing video recordings of last week's fantastic Blob Back Fahrenheit gig. I put it all on YouTube (the band said okay). Funny how these kinds of improv bands work. The drummer unfortunately couldn't make the gig, so they had another one onstage. And this is where the talent makes all the difference. Not just technical prowess on the instruments, but the ability to communicate in the now. Not just in tune, but tuned in. They setp up with a vague idea, I suppose, and then let things happen right then and there. So despite bringing on an unrehearsed drummer they put on an amazing show. A show much different than the last one I saw with them. And probably different from the next one they'll do. All
the videos (which turned out rather well, I think) can be
seen at the band's website:
Lars |
2007 - september 12 - from mog |
Danish Under Byen gigs Artist: Under Byen ![]() Tomorrow Thursday Under Byen play the first of six gigs on their small Danish autumn tour. I'm quite curious whether they'll play material or not. It would seem like the natural thing at the moment. Exciting. These are the coming September dates: 13:
Stars, Vordingborg I plan to check out three of them (Vordingborg, Copenhagen and Køge). See you around? L
2007 - september 10 - from mog |
friends like these... can do no wrong. I was told that the SOPA label night went well. I was there myself, but I guess I'm not cut out to be an organizer (at the moment, anyway). I get to easily stressed out, I think. Felt like it went okay, but I wasn't able to enjoy it to the extent I had hoped. Keeping a cool head for the rushed soundchecks, setting up the DJ gear (which caused some problems), playing the DJ part and making sure the bar had what it needed (like change for starters!) and everything. All at the same time. What timing. Johan offered to take the bar. No questions. What a relief. And after Emir and Agata finished their great show they took the bar the rest of the night. There really weren't any other people to do it. I didn't manage to gather more for the job. And these two lovely people did not complain. Still, there were wonderful moments of music that night, despite my head being everywhere else, of course. And people seemed to enjoy it, so I'll lean on their reaction. Even after many "sorry-sorry-sorry's" I felt I had to buy Emir and Agata dinner at a nice Aarhus café the day after. What a lovely day, it was, actually. Johan will get more thanks later, somehow. Well, all I wanted to shout out here was: Emir, Agata and Johan, you rule! Beyond the call of duty. So yeah, with friends like these... "grateful" is a word that does not fully cover. The best moments in life is when you experience these things in your fellow man or woman. And then aspire to be inspired by them to do likewise. I'll write some more about the actual music of this past weekend soon. Probably with some pictures and some video. Catch ya' later!
I guess one wants to have things work out perfectly. With my head around all these things I dont think Id notice if they were perfect. Or close to perfect. :-) I was working within a framework of other people (lovely too) which made me dependent on others. They acted professional and did eveything they should. I think, I just get confused to easily these days. Im just thinking that some years ago I did something similar that felt better somehow and then I was in charge of it all. Its not a question of not wanting to rely on others actually, but more that better preparation on my part, if possible, would have given me a better experience. Oh,
what the hell am I talking about? Everything is clearer in
the rearview mirror and it was a great night. So enough about
that. Just had to give credit where its due. |
2007 - september 7 - from mog |
fun Tomorrow night the very first Danish label night of my label SOPA goes down. In Aarhus. The first one was in Berlin back in May. A.K. Hansn (of Singvogel) and Nils Gröndahl (of Under Byen) from SOPA will be performing. As will other acts. I'm both excited and... well, y'know, as an organizer things hopefully to go as smooth as possible, so yeah, there's that kind of slightly anxious type of "excited" too. Website with info:
Comments |
2007 - september 5 - from mog |
F-word in foreign tongues ...means exactly that. In Denmark, anyway. But as English is not our mother tongue it does not carry the same weight as in the US or UK. Yes, try and listen to cursing Danes. We sound like a severely foulmouthed nation. F this and F that, even with small matters. Nevertheless... One of the four promo videos for the coming I Am Bones album totally cracks me up. I don't know if it's because I know the guy, but I find it F'ing funny. You
can download it here: The other three are also at |
2007 - september 4 - from mog |
film set that resurfaced - and rocked!![]() Remember the movie "Waterworld"? The one where Kevin Costner plays Mad Max on water. I seem to remember back when it was in production that the floating set was hit by a storm and got destroyed - thus making it the most expensive movie at the time, or something like that. Well, I think I've found the sets that flew away. They have washed ashore on the harbour in Aarhus, Denmark. Just kidding. But I really couldn't shake the image when I saw the amazing makeshift contruction of recycled wood that makes up the Rumstativ right now (it translates roughly as "space frame"). Last weekend there was superb. Good vibes and great bands. Saturday saw great performances by Per Hoier, Singvogel and Ear And Dark. A strange mix of brit-style 80's melancholy pop, trashy rock with brass, woodwind and disturbing Danish lyrics, and mathpunk with wonderfully hysterical Pixies-undertones. You
can have a listen here: On Friday I put on a label night of my own and Saturday the adventurous organizers LJUD put on a show. Read
more at and .
Liking that Ear and Dark, too. Sorta like Red Krayola or maybe even No Means No.
I put a few single songs on YouTube from the two shows down there that weekend: KURvE: Marzipan
Marzipan: Thanks for the band references. Maybe time to finally get into No Means No. I've known about them for years, but never gotten around to properly stumble into them. L
L |
2007 - august 29 - from mog |
more Blob Artist:
Blob Back Fahrenheit
The last of the three mp3s from the show can be downloaded at - it exceeds the Mog limit of 15 mb, so you won't find it here. The one below was 14.23 mb. Phew! Enjoy! :-) |
2007 - august 28 - from mog |
song is about making the best of it Artist:
Under Byen On the occasion of Under Byen playing a unique duet concert this Thursday in their hometown of Aarhus - featuring singers they have covered over the years - I'll link to a video that I shot of them live last year. I tried to embed it directly, but apparently it won't play, hence the link. For more info (in Danish) on the show visit |
2007 - august 28 - from mog |
better Sonic Youth from Denmark![]() So, I'm at this party at a friend's appartment in Berlin back in May of 2006... And so the story begins. It was a small flat. One room, a very small hall and a kitchen. But with the greatest "ambiance", if that's the word. No place is too small for music. And so, indeed several musical acts were invited to play. Even a full rock quartet. Okay, the drummer had to make do with a snaredrum, a cymbal and the bassdrum pedal pumping the snaredrum case. But he was (and is) one of the best drummers around, so that didn't turn out to be a drawback. They launched into a groovy hook and then evolved into a whirlwind of percussion, feedback noise and over-the-top vocals in their intense, but less than half hour long set. The had just begun playing when it hit me that, hell, I should turn on the minidisc and mic. Today I'm glad I did. What a gig. We
were just 10 or 15 people in the audience. If that. Which
I guess, was all that could fit in the room anyway. The name? Blob Back Fahrenheit. The sound was way more out there than some of the old mp3s I remembered hearing online some time earlier. This music was happening, being born, then and there, in the moment. Yeah, I had had a few beers, but the music hit me right in the heart, the head, all senses. A tidalwave of musicality washed over me. Later I got in touch with them again. Then helped with making a temporary band site (it's still there). I put the live recordings on there. Haven't heard them play live since. They are all involved in so many other bands that it seems that Blob Back Fahrenheit shows are rare occasions. And who are they? The drummer has performed with folks like David Thomas of Pere Ubu and Norway's amazing (and Sonic Youth-collaborating) saxplayer Mats Gustafsson. The guitarists and bassplayers play in bands like Kirsten Ketsjer The Rock Band, Joy Lieberkind, I Got You On Tape, Murder, Moi Caprice, Frisk Frugt and many more. The singer is performing now and then in the Danish jazz circuit with Jesper Zeuthen and others. A German reviewer wrote of a previous gig that "Sie sind die besseren Sonic Youth aus Dänemark" - which explains the title of this post. A statement that of course raises expectations somewhat. Still, despite Sonic Youth being "the untouchable indie gods" I am not disagreeing with it. So why am I writing about them now? Well, they finally got another gig lined up. And I'm going. You should too. September 8th at the Rumstativ events on Aarhus harbour (Kalkværksvej, Spanien 19C) during the Aarhus Festival Week. They play along Australian band Grey Daturas and LJUD are the organizers. You
can listen to the recording done at the Berlin appartment
at: And
check out my pictures from it here: They
got their older and more song-oriented album tracks here: |
2007 - august 27 - from mog |
shit, good shit Artist: Goblin Album: The Fantastic Voyage Of Goblin: The Sweet Sound Of Hell ![]() An album of horror film music that starts with a track called "Mad Puppet's Laughs" - which is exactly that - is off to a good start. Chilling. Without being much of a horror flick enthusiast I HAVE heard of legend film director Dario Argento. But it is only now that I learn of the band that scored much of his work: Goblin. An Italian "synth-prog" band who in the 70s and 80s provided spooky audio for Argento's visuals. Cherry Red Records have released a compilation - "The Fantastic Voyage Of Goblin : The Sweet Sound Of Hell" - which according to the resident Goblin expert at Boomkat says is the perfect way to get introduced to the band. While listening to Goblin will most likely not get me to watch more horror flicks - if any - I am surely thrilled in several ways by the music. There's no way around the "retro aspect" of this music. But there's this unique mix of big theatrical musical moves and tip-toe eerieness - and folk and funk even! - that really tickles my taste buds. Timelessness and nostalgia. Have
a listen here:
2007 - august 26 - from mog |
about architecture Artist: Various Album: 33 1/3 book series ![]() "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture", is an often used quote. There's a lot of debate about who said it first. Most seem to put their money on Elvis Costello. But that's not really important. Hearing the music itself must be the best way to convey it. Nevertheless, a helluva lot of people still write about music. Including me. And I read it too. Recently I discovered a series of pocket books called "33 1/3". They take on different "famous" albums. In very different ways, though. So be careful when you buy them. I was delighted to see a book about PJ Harvey's "Rid Of Me". But apparently the book is a story inspired by the lyrics - which just shows the degree of freedom the writers have been given or have taken. The reason I discovered the series was the book about Beastie Boys' "Paul's Boutique", one of my all time favourites. And it was just as it should be: the story behind the making of the album. The circumstances, the creative processes and so on. It was a tremendously enjoyable read. The band had also contributed a bit. Right now, I'm reading the one about David Bowie's "Low", which seems to be also taking the right route. The background history, recording process and so forth - with a lot of good insight from the involved people. My next in the series will be DJ Shadow's "Endtroducing". It's based on an entire interview with the man himself and looks to be interesting too. The fourth book I got so far is Radiohead's "OK Computer". But it looks like it's just dissecting the dry technical facts of the music - not sheet music style - so I might as well just listen to the cd. But I guess I'll know once I start reading it. I doesn't seem to be much about the creative process as such. A shame. So be careful when you get these books. Read some user reviews at Amazon or something first. They're out on Continuum Books: And in Europe you can get them at a decent price at |
2007 - august 26 - from mog |
16 years late Artist: Dog Faced Hermans Album: Mental Blocks For All Ages ![]() Funny how one can trick oneself from time to time. I was surfing around as usual stumbling upon music. Found something interesting. A new LP. Great style. Punk rock style with a certain extra flavour with percussion and folk instruments. Then the LP arrived in the mail. To my surprise this apparently newly released LP was from 1991. Well, you can't hear everything at once, he-he. So better late than never. The band even turned out to be a side project of a band I already knew - The Ex. The band in question is Dog Faced Hermans and the album is called "Mental Blocks For All Ages". I thought I was getting something new and exciting. And of course, to me, I was. Great that a label picks this up and releases it. Kudos to Mississippi Records. Boomkat has some info and sound clips: I could of course have read the whole text before buying. But then I wouldn't have this little odd experience - which are sometimes healthy. What does time and context mean when listening to music?
2007 - august 25 - from mog |
enthusiasm Artist:
Bleubird I believe in sharing my enthusiasm and this site seems to fit that outlook on life. And since music is what I am most enthusiastic about... well, perfect then. Wondering about that mp3-upload thing. How many people uploading here have the rights to the music they put here? And should they? Can't really figure out the MOG folks' legal chatter completely. Are they just like the peer 2 peer software developers? "Oh, we're just providing the platform. We don't control what people put up here"...? Oh well, let's start off with one of the best new rappers around: Bleubird. Go visit him at . He'll be doing much more touring of Europe soon, so keep your ears to the ground. Yours, Capt. Daydream |